Go to our STORE for POST:EXT, order a print of an image you've seen from the magazine, our blog, or any post.                 

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Wholebitmedia: Latest Motion Graphics Video Work-


 "If we want to beat the machines we must think like humans. To humans life can mean many things. There is no definitive answer and each time we look in the mirror we see a newer version of the person inside of us. We observe a different result inside the double slit experiment. I've argued that we make our own luck, but whether you believe in chicken or egg, the ever-present mirror; the conscious stream, is a reflection of ourselves."


Hope you are following us on Instagram Wholebitmedia is now flexing its mech muscles and posting concepts in that category and others around the social links.  Just posting for now but possibly thinking about putting together a manual or small "look" book if I hear that people are liking the concepts.  

Visit our store and pick up your physical copy of POST:EXT-Winter, a collectible art magazine with the latest in artificially intelligent, procedurally assisted art and architectural works. Of course Spring is still on its way until further notice.  If that sounds scary then try keeping up with the pace of AI development these days and you'll understand how difficult it might be to bring relevant material into a printed format.  We'll see what happens. 

Check out the selected album(s) of the month over on BandCamp!!

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Free Album for May


This is an industrial noise type of experiment which sometimes mixes elements of hip hop.  I say industrial because it's weird. Is there really any industrial music being made? 

 I wonder if the new AI music generators are programmed to create industrial,or would the music itself be too abominable for the AI to contemplate.

Older albums of the month are listed in the BLOG page.


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New Magazine for AI assisted design, 

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communication, and architecture.